


The Abrahamic Covenant was a covenant "to be a God unto thee and to thy seed…forever." (Genesis 17, Hebrew 6:13-20)
Jacob’s name was changed to Israel so his descendants who were inheritors of the covenant were hereafter known
as Israel (Genesis 35:10). Jacob had 12 sons each the head of his own family. These families developed into the 12 tribe nation of Israel (Genesis 35:22). In Genesis 48:16-20 Israel adopts his grandchildren making Manasseh the 13th tribe and received the promise of becoming a great "nation." (NOTE: The words adopted and nation have been removed from some new "Bible" translations in order to change the meaning of the verse). In Revelation 7:6 it confirms that Manasseh is one of the tribes of the children of Israel. Geneses 41:51 tells us Manasseh means forgetfulness. Today Manasseh does not remember its past.

In 745-700 BC the Assyrians took the northern kingdom (10 tribed Israel) with most of Judah into captivity in which they never
returned (II Kings 15: 29). The cities were restocked with other races of people (II Kings 17:24). Archaeological evidence shows the Israelites migrated to Europe and then to America to form the bedrock of their population. The Israelites were not Jews The Babylonian captivity (521 BC) involving Judah brought back Talmudism or Phariseeism the forerunner of Judaism. (Dan 1:1-2) Jesus opposed them. (Matthew 15, 23 John 10)

A 4th century Latin Bible describes Jesus as Iudaeus (Judean). Revelation 21:16 The word "Jew" originated from the play The Rivals (1775) and appeared in the revised 18th century KJV Bible. The word “gentile” is a mistranslation from the word "Goy" and "ethnos" meaning race, nation or people. House of Israel has been deleted from some "bibles" to justify the existence of modern "Israel."

In the 8th century A.D. the Khazars whose empire was located in what today is southern Russia (see Maps) adopted Judaism. They comprise about 95 percent of modern Jewery of 6 million in USA and 5-10 million elsewhere (number varies because revisionist historians (Institute for Historical Review, ihr.org) reject the Holocaust story. Ancient tradition, according to Arthur Koestler, identified Khazar Jews as Gog and Magog. The rest are Sephardi a mixed race.

Jesus: Go teach baptisn and I'll be with you until the end of the world.

TRIBULATION PERIOD: the Tribulation begins, I believe, between 2029 (2+0+2+9=13) and 2036 (2+0+3+6=11) with no pre-trib rapture. This is the period that Russian scientists predict an asteroid will strike the earth.

There will be, after the seventh seal is opened, seven angels sounding trumpets during the Tribulation :

Trumpet 1: The first angel sounds in Revelation 8:7 and plasma from the sun is hurled into the earth causing massive fires. This event is followed by an earthquake and perhaps like the one that occurred in 2004.

Trumpet 2: The second angel sounds in Revelation 8:8 and an asteroid strikes the sea destroying many ships.

Trumpet 3: The third angel sounds in Revelation 8:10-12 and a second asteroid strikes the earth which poisons the water and underground rivers will become contaminated. Many will die from poisoned water.

Trumpet 4: The fourth angel sounds in Revelation 8:12 and violent volcanic eruptions will occur whereby debris in thrown upward thus blocking out the sun and causing world famine. According to Revelation, one-fourth of Earth’s population will perish from these first four judgments.

Trumpet 5: The fifth angel sounds in Revelation and God has put the whole world in a terrible situation because He knows it is the best way to get people’s undivided attention. Before the Great Tribulation begins, God-Jehovah will anoint 144,000 servant messengers with Holy Spirit power. These people, from the tribes descended from the children of Israel, including the tribe of Manasseh but excluding the tribe of Dan, will speak for God for 42 months. They will proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to humanity.

After the Great Tribulation begins, God permits that serpent, Satan himself, to appear on Earth physically. Satan will come with millions of angels and he will masquerade as Almighty God. (Revelation 9:1-11; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 13:11-18) Satan the devil is the dreaded Antichrist. Deceptively cloaked in brilliant light and charming benevolence, Satan will claim that he is God-Jehovah. He will declare that he has come to establish a thousand years of peace on Earth. At this time, there will be three identifiable types of people. The first group of people is those who have rejected Satan and decided to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The other group of people will readily receive satan as God because of the miracles he performs. The third group of people will defy both Satan’s demands and the prompting of the Holy Spirit because they refuse to obey anyone. Since God-Jehovah is separating the people of Earth into two camps, He will allow the devil to inflict great pain and suffering upon this third group of people who have chosen to defy both God-Jehovah’s and the devil’s authority. Fortunately, Satan will not harm the saints with this affliction.

Trumpet 6:

This section on trumpets is incomplete because it still is under construction

MORE ON REVELATION AND DANIEL: Belshazzar, the kings son, and co-regent in Babylon was holding a feast, blasphemously misusing the silver and gold vessels taken from the temple of Jerusalem. Then suddenly writing appeared on the wall, "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsim" which Daniel interpreted, "God hath numbered the kingdom and finished it. Thy Kingdom is divided and given to Medes and Persians." (Daniel 5:25-28)

History records that: "Medes and Persians gained entrance to the city by diverting the river Euphrates, so that the river bed became dry where it ran through the walls. In the Book of Revelation the final fall of the Babylonian system is heralded by the mystical drying up of the river Euphrates," 'that the way of the Kings of the east might be prepared.' " (Revelation 16:12)
It is interesting to note that the four words written in Chaldaic (Aramaic) when translated into Hebrew would read Minah, Minah, Peres,which are Hebrew weights. The Gerah was the smallest weight, and the total of the above weights, expressed in Gerahs, is 2520, as we show below:

Aramaic    Hebrew
  Mene       Minah   --1000 Gerahs
  Mene       Minah   --1000    "
  Tekel       Shekel   --   20     "
  Upharsin  Peres    --  500    "         

(In this case Peres means "divisions. The division of Minah, i.e., one-half a Minah). Thus, we have the 'seven times' period which is illustrated in a hidden form.

We will start with the Prophet Jeremiah in Chapter 31 and verse 10: "And declare it in the isles afar off and say, He that scattered Israel will gather and keep him as a shepherd doth his flock." That was a promise made by Almighty God to Israel after their dispersion; that is confirmed again in Jeremiah 32:37-44, then again in Isaiah 43: 5-6, addressed to scattered Israel. In Jeremiah 18, God tells the prophet Jeremiah that just as the potter's clay was marred in the hands of the potter, but taken again the second time and remolded into a perfect vessel, so would He do with the House of Israel. In Jeremiah 46:27 God told Israel He would save them from afar off together with all their seed. Then in Ezekiel 20: 34 God promised to gather Israel out of the countries wherein they were scattered.


